Administrative Staff
Executive Director
HCV Housing Manager
Public and Affordable Housing Manager
Administrative Assistant/Inspector
Jose Munoz
Maintenance Supervisor
Dean Saunders
Maintenance Technician
The Fountain Housing Authority makes every effort to maintain safe and affordable units for our tenants and we request that all tenants notify the Housing Authority as soon as possible to make repairs to their unit. Any repairs for normal wear and tear will not be charged to the tenant. Tenants will be billed for the cost of repairs if the damage is a result of negligence or destruction by the tenant, household members or guests of the tenant.
All routine repairs should be requested as soon as they are identified. Any tenant failing to report necessary repairs may incur additional cost from the failure to report damage/repairs needed. If repairs are not reported and the FHA incurs additional cost to resolve the cost will be billed back to the tenant. Please call work orders in to the office at: 719-382-5630 during work hours 8a.m.-12p.m. and 1p.m.-5p.m. M-TH and on Friday 8a.m.-12p.m. and 1p.m.-3p.m. CLOSED ON HOLIDAYS. All EMERGENCY work orders need to be called in to 719-421-9450 immediately.